Clinical Study
North Wales Community Safety & Substance Misuse -
Substance Misuse Action Team (SMAT)
Clinical Study/Evaluation
We were asked to take part in clinical study of our detox treatment for a regional Drug and Alcohol team in North Wales on the 11th September 2006 arranged by the North Wales Community Safety & Substance Misuse Coordinator for the Substance Misuse Action Team (SMAT) and supervised by the Clinical Director with their staff monitoring the treatment process and patient wellbeing. They chose an opiate substitute detox.
We made a presentation in August 2006 to the Conwy and Denbighshire SMAT which is made up of the following members and representatives from the following organisations:
Conwy County Borough Council
Denbighshire County Council
Conwy County Borough Council Elected Member
Denbighshire County Council Elected Member
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board
North Wales Police
Wales Probation Trust
North Wales Drug Intervention Programme
Service users
Conwy and Denbighshire Youth Justice Service
North Wales Fire and Rescue
Welsh Assembly Government
to use our detox treatment as an out-patient treatment option to improve patient outcomes for those who want to become substance free.
North Wales Substance Misuse Forum
(Minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd October 2006 for SMAT chairs).
'Coordinator referred to the paper he had produced outlining the background of the Clinic as an alternative Detox facility, who had made a presentation to the SMAT chairs. They had offered to provide treatment to a chaotic user in north Wales, which had been supplied (with full consent of the client), by NEWHT. Dave reported that the client received the treatment (details circulated) and he continues to be off drugs for the past 2/3 weeks. The treatment appears to have worked on this particular client'.
No of Days From 80mls to: Reduction %
1 20mls 75%
2 15mls 82%
3 15mls 82%
4 0mls 100%
5 0mls 100%
The Clinical Director Dr O'Toole stated "I was very impressed and intrigued by the treatment you gave to one of the patients I see. He reduced his dose from 80mls to 0mls in a matter of five days.. He told me that he felt better and was sleeping better during his rapid reduction...Most heroin users have problems sleeping and tend to have sleeping problems during detoxification... I would expect a rapid reduction in opiate substitute to precipitate a withdrawal syndrome with prominent symptoms including agitation, muscle skeleton pain and abdominal cramps...It is difficult for me to explain scientifically why (treatment) should have a significant impact on the opiate withdrawal syndrome... Any treatment however, that makes patients feel more comfortable during detoxification is worth a closer look'.
Clinical Summary:
Trial was arranged by North Wales Community Safety & Substance Misuse Coordinator.
Trial was overseen by Dr O'Toole the Clinical Director.
SMAT minutes record the detox treatment and successful treatment outcome.
The Clinical Director was very impressed and intrigued by the treatment process.
The trial was under the clinical director's daily supervision.
The patient reduced his opiate substitute from 80mls per day to 0mls in 5 days.
The patient felt better and was sleeping better during his rapid reduction.
The patient had no prominent withdrawals symptoms.
It is difficult for the clinical director to explain scientifically how the treatment works.
The treatment has a significant impact on opiate withdrawal syndrome.
The treatment makes patients feel more comfortable during detoxification.
The patient had not relapsed and remained drug free 5 months later.
The patient confirmed during follow-up he was back in full time employment.
The patient had significant improvements in his overall health and wellbeing.
The treatment is a safe and successful out-patient detoxification treatment.
The DAT selected the patient and monitored his progress daily, the treatment was carried out under their supervision on their premises, the patient assessment comments are below:
"Before I started the treatment I was on 80mls opiate substitute a day, I wasn't sleeping very well and was waking up in the morning feeling very poor. I wasn't eating much either. Since I've started the treatment I have reduced by 60mls after one treatment, my eating is coming back and I've had the best nights sleep in a long time and woke up this morning feeling fine, I'm very pleased with the results.... Woke up this morning feeling fine, I've had no meths for over 24 hours and only 15mls yesterday morning about 8am and I'm still sleeping and eating and even got my bowel movement back, I'm no longer constipated and feel a lot better in myself". John Williams
Health Assessments
The patient had used drugs for 5 years and had all the typical health defects associated with long term drug use however after just 5 days of our treatment the patient had significant improvements in how he felt mentally, emotionally and physically and also had major improvements in his eating and sleeping patterns and was no longer constipated which is the direct opposite of conventional detox methods that take much longer and where the patients health deteriorates during and immediately after the detox process which then causes most patients to relapse. Please see Mr Williams before and after treatment 'Health Assessment' represented in the chart below:
Score: 1. Very Poor 2. Poor 3. Satisfactory 4. Good 5. Very Good 6. Excellent
Health Assessment Before After Improvement
How do you feel Physically? 2 4 33.1%
How do you feel Mentally? 2 5 49.7%
How well do you Sleep? 1 5 66.4%
How well do you Eat? 3 5 33.2%
How Positive do you feel? 2 5 49.8%
How Tired do you feel? 2 5 49.8%
How Healthy do you feel? 2 5 49.8%
How do you feel about the Future? 4 5 16.6%
Please rate Withdrawal symptoms? 5 83.0%
Overall Treatment Score? 6 100%
Health Assessment 38% 83% 220%
‘I thought the treatment was excellent and now it has given me a chance to sort my life and I am very pleased with the results'. John Williams.
Conclusion: The treatment is a proven, safe, out-patient detox method with no prominent withdrawals symptoms and significant health improvements.
Future of Healthcare
The human body is essentially split into 2 parts: 50% is 'chemistry' and 50% is 'physics' and each influence human health accordingly. The body (muscle, tissue, bones, cells etc) also responds to various beneficial input frequencies (Hz) or 'electroceuticals' which can help to improve physical health hence why our clients feel so much better during/after treatment. Click here for an illustration of how muscle grown in a lab responds to 1 Hz stimulation.
Molecular biologist Kris Famm wants to develop new medicines based on the body's bioelectric signals, rather than its chemistry. 'We want to use the electrical language of the body to cure it', says Famm, who heads bioelectronics R&D at GlaxoSmithKline in Brentford, Middlesex. 'The nervous system runs through the entire body, regulating our organs. Disease occurs when the electrical signals are not working well'.
Famm's 'electroceuticals' will target individual nerve fibres to treat conditions such as asthma and diabetes by modulating the neural impulses controlling the body. 'It's a new way of tackling disease', he says. 'Molecular medicine is systemic -- it invades the whole body. Electroceuticals are much more specific. You can target a nerve and modify electrical impulses to treat the problem'.
Google has been awarded a patent for a wrist wearable that uses an "energy source" to target blood cells containing substances linked with Parkinson's or cancer.
How Physics Affects the Human Body
Georges Lakhovsky discovered that all living cells (plants, people, bacteria, parasites, etc) possess attributes which are normally are associated with electronic circuits, Dr. Royal R. Rife found that every disease has a specific frequency and found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease, Professor Harold Saxton Burr showed that these L-Fields could be used to predict illness by noting variations in them, Dr Reinhold Voll identified correlations between disease states and changes in the electrical resistance of the various acupuncture points, German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp found that a diseased cells will radiate a different photonic signature than healthy cells of the same type and Dr Robert O. Becker found the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person's health can be determined and influenced by it. Click here for more on the history of frequency therapy.
Our treatments utilise the same science as noise canceling headphones to cancel unwanted background noise but applied to unwanted substances (alcohol, cocaine, nicotine, opiates etc).
It uses specific frequencies and advanced Informational Medicine to help:
neutralise any substance and reduce physical tolerance
improve & restore physical health
By using a proven scientific process it is possible to 'neutralise & erase' the effects of any substance so it is no longer 'active' which then helps to stop the physical and/or mental urge, craving or desire for it.
How it Works
Medication (chemistry) targets cells to evoke change in the patients' condition however it is no secret that over 90% of all drugs only work for 30% to 50% of the patients who take them due to their genes which interfere in some way with the medicine. Frequency does not rely on genetics as it targets a specific substance(s) rather than an individual's cells and so produces much higher response rates. It is well established in physics that everything has at its own frequency range including: living creatures, organs, plants and disease even substances like nicotine, alcohol or drugs have their own frequency range. It works similar to how a radio picks up a frequency broadcast from hundreds of miles away, the body picks up the treatment frequencies via the main acupuncture points on the wrists (no needles are used during this treatment) to help restore any chemical imbalances, cancel out the effects of alcohol/drugs throughout the entire body and stimulate the production of endorphins so withdrawal symptoms are greatly reduced. It is safe, painless and very successful. Click here for further details.
For example, cocaine in the body responds to a high specific pulse frequency of 78Hz and heroin 90Hz. By applying our unique formulation it is possible to create a frequency, which is 180° out of phase and so cancel the effects of heroin in the body, so less heroin is required each day to feel 'normal'. Each treatment reduces dependency, until clean.
By using similar principles to the above it is possible to the remove the frequency patterns of nicotine, alcohol or drugs from the body and so help to the stop the physical dependency for that substance(s).
Advantages of our Detox Treatments
We use complex formulas which help to:
reduce dependency by approximately 40% to 60% per treatment
restore eating patterns
restore sleeping patterns
restore bowel movements
improve overall health & fitness
clients experience little or mild withdrawal symptoms
We can help break the cycle and stop drug or alcohol dependency without the need for medication, which often causes other health related problems. Our treatments can help stop dependency, reduce cravings and lower usage and clients usually report improved eating and sleeping patterns with only mild withdrawal symptoms as the effects of drugs or alcohol are neutralised.
We offer help for drug and alcohol detoxification and treatment without pain and without the need for replacement medication.